Trucking & Automobile Fleets
Save Time & Money With Amsoil !
Fleet Owners:
No matter how big or small your operation, Amsoil top quality synthetic oils, lubricants greases & filtration products can offer you many benefits over your current mineral oil based program. With an Amsoil factory direct commercial account your company can purchase Amsoil products at the lowest possible wholesale pricing available. A few of the more common benefits are listed below.
- Improved Fuel Economy.
- Less Shop Time----with Amsoil extended drain intervals and reduced wear (proven over 30 years).
- Longer Drivetrain & Fleet Equipment Life.
These are the most common benefits but there are certainly more. The superior performance and cost savings with Amsoil synthetic technology is a little known fact except among the more astute forward looking fleet operators. For many years, municipal fleets, police vehicles, fire trucks, taxi fleets, trucking fleets and construction companies, have been using Amsoil synthetic lubricants and filtration products to achieve savings and reduce overall fleet operating costs by taking advantage of their improved fuel economy, reduced wear, longer equipment life and extended drain intervals.
Amsoil developed the concept and coined the phrase of..."EXTENDED DRAIN INTERVALS" about 40 years ago. Since long ago, many leaders in the truck and fleet industry have been saving time and money by using Amsoil products and the automotive industry in general has been recently following the same path. Most other smaller operations will eventually learn about the benefits of using Amsoil as the process of education and more "over the road" tests continue. In recent years growth in the use of synthetic lubricants has been in the 15 to 20% range compared with only 1 - 2% for petroleum oils.
The answer is easy------try some!!!!
Try some in any one or more of any company or private vehicles you have and see what happens. Most people who use it in mechanically sound units do notice a positive difference. Please consult with your Amsoil service contact regarding use in higher mileage units.
Amsoil Proves Superior In Clark County School Bus Fleet Field Test
Amsoil Products Improve Efficiency And Reduce Operating Costs For Gerlach Trucking
Amsoil Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil Is Correct Choice For Jeff Foster Trucking
Taxi Fleets Save Time & Money With Amsoil's Extended Drain Intervals