Why Use Synthetic Oil ?
It's Better And Less Expensive !
• Longer engine and component life due to less friction compared with petroleum
• Easier cold winter starts & quicker oil flow resulting in substantially less engine wear
• Greater lubrication from low winter temperatures to hot desert highway conditions
• Cooler running engines (up to 50 degree temperature reduction) due to less friction
• Less deposit & sludge formation
• Convenience of longer oil drain intervals (up to 25,000 miles) that save time & money
• An average 4% improvement in fuel economy saves you money
• Less waste disposal & ground water pollution due to longer drain intervals
• Reduced oil consumption & emissions for a cleaner environment
How Can It Do That?
Molecular Structure
Molecular Size
Film Strength (Falex)
Co-efficient of Friction
Wear (mg. wt. loss Falex)
Heat Transfer
Volatility (Noack)
Lubrication Range |
Saturated (stable) Uniform (synthesized) 3200 PSI Low (saturated molecule) 1.1 Milligrams Very High 9% 1-2 % -60 to + 400 F. |
Non-saturated ( less stable) Varies widely (refined a bit) 400-700 PSI High (unsaturated molecule) 3-6 Milligrams Minimal 102% 10-25 % -20 to + 300 F. |
Amsoil Synthetic Oil & Long Drain Intervals Save You Money !
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